Thursday, 12 November 2009

i've been negleting this big time :|

well not a lot has happend since saturday i don't think! well on monday i had double english which is a joke tbh i hate i hate the lesson this year and we gto our assignments back i was hoping to reach at least double figures but no i just got one mark higher than last time i was like FFS! it's like everytime i do try it's bloody good enough! , oh then i had film , i like film minus half the class but we were watching a clockwork orange so it's all good , it's odd though because i have only seen the begining and the end until watching it in class.

on tuesday i had double media and i could just not be arsed to work so i basically sat and talked to emily about jermey kyle and amazing it is ahaha :') , then leyla texted me to get a time for parents evening for her i was like leyla forgot to get a time for film :O :O :O i was shocked ahahah :'), then i had tutorial it was alreet like i sat with leyla and alice on he computers and mucked around ahaha!

yesterday was like the funniest day i have had i think ahahah i came in at half 12 ish so i could have dinner with the crew! after dinner we went to the computers and me, leyla , emma and david were nattering about the last time we went out i was like mmmm i remember that was rather embrassing ahahah :'), then it was tutorial dean kept looking at me i was like mmm hello ;) then i had to stay back for a bit too see about this maths course so i stayed and rambled on to dean about shite ahahaha was good crack like eeeee he makes me laugh ahaha!, then we went to meet alice's friend nathan who calls himself verity bee he asked us to go do this shoot upstairs in the photography class everyone was pressuing me to go first ahaha. i wa slike i'll do it if someone goes before me so laurie went first and did her bit stuff, then it was me honsently i wasn't used to the lights it was boiling! still it was okay i think i was just a tad nervous which isn't like me at all!, oh and btw verity is a bit nice ;)

oh and today i have connexions meeting and i haven't done what i was suspposed to i'll do it now ahaha :')

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